
Paid App Development: Attracting Users to Your App

Through a highly profitable investment, and the power of marketing, it is possible to bet on building an app as the most practical and fastest way to profit.


First, a paid app simplifies people's lives. Because the public is looking for ever more agile solutions. Undoubtedly, to make a company competitive it is necessary to follow trends. However, many believe the investment is high. Or else, they are unaware of the potential it brings to their business.

Our goal is to show why this investment is highly profitable . Including, what are the 3 pillars for your application to guarantee quality. Finally, how the power of marketing can generate thousands of downloads . Check out!


Paid app: the key to turning your business around


First of all, when talking about paid apps, we associate it with earning money. However, to reach this goal, you need to focus on quality. In other words, would you pay for your app? That is, for the public to buy, the offer must be very good. After all, there are thousands of free apps that help people. So it has to be efficient and functional.


Why invest in the paid version?


Without a doubt, betting on this investment is the most practical and fastest way to profit. As well as the simplest form of implementation. Even with free varieties there are people who purchase paid versions. Because if the app adds value, the user will pay. Mainly, because in free there are many ads that annoy the user.

The design of a paid version starts with choosing a niche. But, it must be specific and offer rich content. That way, you can choose to charge downloads . Because the competition is less and the audience is more qualified . However, there are exceptions like in games. Although it is a big niche, the difference is in the quality of the paid version. Therefore, numerous users tend to pay.

First, technology has conquered society. Besides being, practically, mandatory to use in the routine. So, the practicality in the frenetic daily life brought opportunity. Because, in any corner, we need to connect. Whether on the street, at the company, at home, at the gym, etc.

We have everything in the palm of your hand in minutes or seconds . See, we request taxi and make hotel reservations. We even buy bread and coffee in a few clicks. Not only make it practical, the apps also offer other goals. For example, generating entertainment, sharing information, etc. That way we have a range of goals available to choose from.


Application Development: Check Out 3 Pillars Every Application Must Have


In addition to developing an application, we guarantee its quality. We are an application development company. We guarantee the quality of our applications. For this, we at Fwc Tecnologia will share 3 pillars that make up our method. Check it out below!


1. Marketing strategy


An app can be functional and of impeccable quality. However, if the disclosure is bad, it will not generate profit. Therefore, make efficient and personalized planning. That is, create marketing strategies that bring results.


2. Technical quality


Before purchasing an app it is important to plan. Well, you need to take care of the technical structure. That is, laying the groundwork for building a quality app. So it cannot crash, slow down etc.

It should even offer rich or quality content. In this way, generate customer satisfaction. Therefore, prioritize the best programming language on the market. Since it generates fluidity and presents more efficient technical results.


3. Functional


This pillar is a complement to the previous one. The app needs to achieve the proposed goal. Therefore, the buttons need to work and meet the customer's expectations. So it's important to reflect on how the app is built.

Then analyze whether it meets the project requirements. After all, it's not enough to invest in quality if it's not useful. To do this, it needs to have a clear purpose and fulfill the promise. That way, people tend to use it more and make it a popular app.


Application Marketing: Secret to Attract Thousands of Users


Currently, the paid marketing industry runs in the billions a year. According to AppsFlyer, in Brazil alone, the investment with paid advertising reaches 3 billion per year. In addition, the communication channel that promoted downloads is Facebook. While the most converting ad format is video.

In other words, the increase in app installs exceeded the 7 billion margin. Finally, it generated revenue above 300 million. So, to attract a huge audience, all you need to do is focus on the main social media.


Understand how the visitor arrives in the app


Above all, having all the information in seconds is addictive. Just like in television times, today it is common to wake up and pick up your cell phone. So, the practicality of the applications is essential for our routine. According to a survey by ComScore consultancy , Brazilians spend 1 hour on their cell phone every day. As such, it is the best environment to generate a quality audience.

Therefore, we have portals and social networks with a large volume of access. However, we have the applications that compete to gain users' attention. From the positive results, the big brands saw great potential. Soon, they expanded their reach with immeasurable speed.

In this sense, application marketing is the solution to building efficient strategies. Because it has tools and planning focused on the target audience. But the best part is that it doesn't just attract the exact visitor. She is able to retain them in long-term customers. With that, the secret is to apply strategies that marketing provides.

Beforehand, to reach this result, you need to study the audience. For example, big companies like Google analyze people's behavior. Through consumers, they analyze installation and engagement. For example, how long they stay in the app, what they are most looking for and how they interact.

In any case, below we will share how these surveys help to formulate strategies . Now you know how to attract your audience. However, you need to learn the reasons why you download and keep connected.


Communication channels: know where to connect


In this topic, we'll go into detail about how to get the word out to the right people. Because attracting, retaining and converting requires the right place. So, let's share the main communication channels. A full application development company offers application marketing service. See below for more details on these features.


Via Facebook


Without a doubt, the social media with the highest sign-up rate is Facebook. As such, it is the world leader in user preference. In fact, in Brazil alone, we have more than 130 million active profiles. In addition, it is the media with the highest rate of application downloads. In fact, most come from ads that attract massive volume.

However, this task is very simple to perform. Well, just go to your Ad Manager and select the objective. In that case, choose the App Install option to attract the audience to the App Store or Google Play. In addition, all visitors who carry out this installation make other internal purchases. Because you can include ads.

In other words, you are in charge of the business . Therefore, you can attract whoever you want to your business. In other words, make millions based on your visitors' goals. That is, just track consumer data and create your own sales machine. Then, you have another detail that cannot be missed. That is, set the purchase option.

For example, the platform provides reach, frequency and auction. Finally, when the goal is to attract new customers, the platform itself makes recommendations. For example, auction option. Because it allows you to configure the target audience, time and budget of the campaign .

In short, just opt for ad placement. Well, it allows the Facebook robot to use your spending smartly and efficiently. So choose to invest money in the ad set option. In this way, the system notices the difference and contributes to reaching its audience at a lower cost. That is, he focuses efforts on positioning with greater return.


Via Twitter


Firstly, Twitter is known as a microblog. At first, his goal was to share short, high-impact texts. Then the tool expanded the range. Soon, it allowed the posting of images and videos as well. It now offers a range of tools that target varied resources. Because, in that way the apps reach the audience based on the exact strategy.

Thus, the difference lies in segmenting the interactions that take place every day. This means that you can choose to attract people who focus on an issue. For example, who comment on a certain theme, series, movies, etc. Even at the advanced stage, companies mix segmentation rules. That is, they configure the system to attract people similar to those who downloaded the app.

Finally, the ads appear as if it were an ordinary tweet. Soon, it contains 280 characters, images, videos and links. In ads aimed at converting customers there is a card. From there, all images or videos become clickable. In this way, it directs you to app stores or wherever you want.


Via Google


Above all, Google promotes effective tools to grow your business. For that reason, the Playbook app focuses on developers. It even shares effective tips to grow the app. But, the best advantage is that it's free!

Also, Google Play is a source for users who want to download new apps. In fact, 40% of people search for apps in Google Play search engines. The truth is, you can get creative and explore existing tools.


User experience: manage application download volume


Now you know how to attract customers and which channels to promote them. So, it's time to get customers to download the app. Check out the steps to convert users into customers below .


1. Invest in the free version


Beforehand, the anxiety of seeing the profit come in can be harmful. First of all, nobody is going to pay for a new app. Since the market offers hundreds of them. Unless it's something really unheard of. Even so, the first step is to gain consumer confidence.

So, the initial task is to work on your company's brand recognition. Then, earn trials and downloads in the free version. From that, people try it and your brand gains visibility. Then you start selling your app.


2. Bet on the ranking with the ASO


First, ASO, app store optimization, performs the same function as major internet search engines. For example Google, Yahoo etc. they rely on intelligent robots to analyze user action. Hence, it helps people to find your company. Then, just type in the exact word for the robot to search the list of options.

Therefore, search engines are excellent business tools. That's how companies profit from their advertising. Likewise, it works within the app stores, the ASO. That is, for people to download the app they need to find it. With that, consider other factors below. Without a doubt, they favor your app's ranking and discoveries. Check out!

  • downloads;
  • App startup;
  • key words;
  • parents;
  • social proofs;
  • retention;
  • backlinks;
  • revenues;

3. Usability


Chances are you've come across this frustrating scene . That is, after purchasing an application encountered many difficulties. For example, it crashed several times, closed suddenly, etc. However, the advertisement was incredible and undeniable.

See, this might even be effective in the first instance. But in the long run you will lose customers to your competition. So, look for quality from the start. So, the key is to develop an app based on the user experience. That is, focus on the visuals and the technical part.

In other words, it needs to work correctly. In addition to being intuitive, as nothing can complicate the user's life. Therefore, perform tests on various electronic devices. Because it needs to be responsive and easy to navigate. Otherwise, the uninstall rate will increase.

In short, learning how to make money with app is simple. However, just follow the rules cited in this article. Without a doubt, monetizing with apps is a big trend. The focus is on building an application with quality and efficient technique.

Want to advance your business with an app? So, hire a service that specializes in qualified applications !


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