QR Code: What is it for and the advantages it can bring to your company.
Interested in understanding how to use the QR Code or knowing what other companies are doing to increase your visibility? This article will explain to you in a simple and summarized way everything you need to know about it.

Who has never seen a QR code on a magazine cover or on any webpage? This acronym comes from the English "Quick Response Code" or translating Quick Response Code, and is not today that this technology exists, but has in recent years become popular.
It was created in 1994, 42 years after the creation of the barcode and only gained traction in 2011. It may seem like a long time to spread, but be aware that the barcode only began to gain traction 20 years after its creation.
What exactly is QR Code and why not use barcode?
In a way the QR Code and the barcode are similar, although the aesthetics change they both store information relevant to some application . However, the barcode was created to store a numerical sequence and unlike the QR code its sequence is one-dimensional. The QR Code, on the other hand, comes with the ability to store web addresses and can direct the user to that content's page.
There are several applications for the QR Code, from culinary companies that can present their menus and promotions through a website to schools and educational institutions that can share their courses, exams, work and whatever else they want.
Due to its versatility of application, creativity is the limit for using this tool, you can choose whether the code will forward you to an email page, a WhatsApp chat, a website link or a registration page .
Discover the advantages of using the QR Code in your company
To begin to understand a little more about the QR Code and the advantages it offers, I will mention 4 reasons to include a QR Code in your projects:
4 - Freedom for your customer
The fourth reason is the best user experience. Who has never felt pressured in a store for having an attendant always on top, or has never been uncomfortable with the atmosphere of expectation of buying a product? Anyone who has been underserved knows the feeling that this generates, and most likely does not have as their first option places where they were not well received.
Through the QR Code it is possible to provide a digital service, where the customer has access to their products and can order them without the need for an employee to be present and without the waiting time necessary to place orders. The QR Code can greatly facilitate the presentation of content to customers, providing greater freedom for the consumer and a more conducive environment for a good user experience .
3 - Constant and personalized service
Still related to customer reception, I present the third reason: standardization of service and product offerings . Every trader has already gone through some situation that made him notice how difficult it is to maintain standardization of care. Everyone is subject to bad days, mood swings and unforeseen events. These circumstances affect the way the customer is served and, consequently, the image he will take home with the company.
By providing a service where the customer can have in their hands the power to choose the products (which were ordered according to the user), the chance of something unpleasant happening along the way is greatly reduced. In addition, it is possible to ensure that all customers will have access to content aimed at them, generating more profit for your company and better customer satisfaction in relation to the establishment.
2 - Reduction in expenses and increase in growth
And as we already know, time is considered one of our most valuable assets , and that's why I reveal that: using the QR Code as a tool to facilitate bureaucratic processes, and make them faster, is the innovative solution that it brings it hidden inside your applications.
Whether in stores or physical establishments or typing the QR-code, if implemented well, it can reduce costs with employees. Anyone who sells products on the internet, or even in person, knows how high the costs with employees are to maintain a service without waiting and with quality .
Micro and small businesses are the most affected by the reduced number of employees, having a tool like this within your company can direct the customer directly to the purchase page of offers or even to the payment page. In this way, the cost to cover manual services, which should be done in advance, are reduced.
1 - Using a more modern Marketing
We all know that Digital Marketing has gone through several changes with the advancement of technology, the number of consumers who migrated from physical shopping to digital grew about 75% , according to a survey conducted by Mastercard. This indicates that we increasingly need to invest in new ways to promote our products or services, and integrating physical advertising with the digital user is possible very cheaply with the QR Code.
Adding the code to your business card or your store's flyer provides an opportunity for the user to connect longer with your company via mobile. And advertising that could be temporary becomes much more lasting and advantageous. In addition, it is possible to share social networks through this code, bringing your customer closer contact with your brand and constant updates of your products.
How do I get a QR code?
Creating a QR Code is relatively simple, currently there are different websites that have the code creation tool. On sites where the service is paid, it is possible to customize the display format of the code and keep it active for a longer time, on the free packages, despite having reduced settings, the process of creating one is also very easy, just insert the URL you want to share from it , and generate your own QR Code.
It is important to remember that the QR Code will be linked to the link by which it was generated , so if there is any change in the URL of the page you want to share, it is necessary to generate another sequence so as not to redirect to a page that is inactive or outdated.
Learn how to use a QR Code
Well, after realizing the number of possible applications for this code, the question may arise: How do I use a QR Code?
To use the code it is necessary to have at least two things, the first one is the internet , without it it is not possible to connect the user to the page that needs to be displayed and the second thing is a camera that can be used as a code scanner.
Cell phones with the IOS system already have this scanner in the device's own camera application, and Android users are divided into groups that carry this factory tool (as is the case with some Samsung devices and other newer devices) and those who need it. download an app to read it. If you've tried to read a QR Code and realized that you don't have this tool, just access the Play Store , there are several free readers for you to install on your smartphone.
And to make the reading is very easy, just point your cell phone camera at the QR code you want to open , whether it is on TV, website, mobile app, magazine or any other chosen means of sharing, it needs to be clear enough, then you will be redirected to the page it contains.
How do we at FWC Tecnologia use this resource?
If you're new here, you might not yet know all the mobile app development projects we've completed. We always accompany our client and offer the most up-to-date tools on the market for him to use within his project. That way, whenever we see a good opportunity we implement the QR Code within the apps we produce to further drive our customers' businesses.
Want to know a little more about how to use this feature within an app exclusive to your business? We at FWC Tecnologia build your project from scratch, exclusively to meet your needs. We have a complete app development team and we are a reference in the quality of our deliveries .
Call someone from our team and we will direct you to the best solutions according to your brand!
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