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What is Gamification and why use it in your application?

The application of gamification is something recent that has gained more and more supporters in companies, due to its good potential to generate interactions and bring performance improvements among participants.


The universe of games is not restricted to a recreational activity. If you are in doubt about why to use gamification in your application, we will explain in this article how it works and its advantages.

In the book “Gamify: How Gamification Motivates People to Do Extraordinary Things”, Brian Burke explains how companies discovered the potential of gamification to generate engagement in the online world.

“In most companies, gamification started in the marketing department, but from there it spread to several other sectors”, says the author.

In organizations and in society, it is possible to make people change behaviors through the act of playing and also to develop new skills.

To learn more about the topic, keep reading.


What is gamification?

In the 1980s, the digitization of games began and, nowadays, they are easily accessible through applications on smartphones .

However, gamification does not refer to simply playing games.

It needs to be inserted in a context that is not just related to the act of playing for fun, because there is an objective, which can be pedagogical, sales or other in the sphere of work .

But, after all, why use gamification in your application? A very common use is to make it a means for a company's employees to feel more engaged and motivated in the team.

Since the emergence of the Industry 4.0 concept, companies have realized the need to overcome certain challenges. And gamification fits into this scenario.

In this way, gamification uses game elements with a defined purpose , among them to bring about an improvement in learning, interaction and achievement of objectives, through reward systems, rankings and scores.

Also, it applies in different niches. For example, it is possible to practice gamification even in Yoga, with an Apple app available for the iPhone, Aurea: Yoga Gamificado.


types of gamification


The concept of gamification unfolds into different types, which differ depending on the context. Some of them are:

  • Gamification in marketing : it is also possible to promote games in marketing strategies with social networks, because using gamification in your application will improve the relationship between consumers and brands.
  • Gamification for training in companies : the idea is to make training more dynamic among employees of an organization.
  • Gamification in Onboarding : the aim is to promote team integration and present the company to newcomers in a more interactive way.
  • Gamification in Education : in this case, students and teachers use games to create new experiences during classes.
  • Gamification in Health : here the idea is to integrate the patient with games in the treatment routines, to socialize and improve self-esteem.
  • Gamification in Social Engagement : the objective is to combine social and political actions with the involvement of society.


Examples of gamified games


Shall we see some examples of gamification used by large companies? This is certainly a modern method that brings great results with the use of technology and applications . Check it out below.



If you want to know how and why to use gamification in your application, let's show you the example of Starbucks.

Starbucks demonstrated how effective gamification can be in marketing. The company strengthens customer loyalty through an app.

Members of the Starbucks Rewards program can enjoy perks not offered to other customers.

For example, there are free refills on some drinks for attendees. The customer is rewarded with stars for each purchase, which can be exchanged for drinks or treats.

The more stars you accumulate, the higher your program level and benefits. There are also occasional limited-time offers where purchases are rewarded with more stars than usual.

It is one of the most successful customer loyalty programs in the world, which contributed considerably to increasing the company's sales after the implementation of the application.




Nike+ app users can challenge themselves on their runs while joining a huge global Nike community.

The app records speed, distance traveled and calories burned. With this, runners can compare their results with others. People who participate receive various badges as a reward.

There are prizes for certain courses, for personal speed records and also for races on specific holidays.

In addition, Nike frequently presents exclusive offers on sports products for those who have the app, which helps us understand why using gamification in your application is a way to modernize sales strategies.



It's not news to anyone that Coca-Cola is always at the forefront in its promotional actions and in the innovations it makes with its products.

Just watch a TV advertisement to see how the beverage company manages to awaken the desire for the product with unique experiences in moments of happiness.

When we talk about gamification, it is worth mentioning the Shake It Nike campaign, which took place in Hong Kong.

It worked as follows: in a television advertisement at night, users needed to use the free app so that they could win discounts and prizes, which also included partners like McDonald's.

The device was triggered by "shaking" the smartphone, hence the name Shake It. In addition to being a fun game, it builds loyalty among customers who don't want to miss out on promotions.


Why use gamification in your application


There are interesting reasons for your company to adopt gamification.

Gamification can be used not only in large companies, but also in small and medium-sized ones.

Among the benefits , we can highlight:

  • support feedback processes, reinforcing learning;
  • create groups and engagement, both internally and externally;
  • using fun to make people more predisposed to new activities and experiences;
  • improve customer relationships;
  • stimulate thinking, the innovative potential of ideas and people;
  • highlight existing situations, strategies or processes;
  • gather information to launch a new technology or product;
  • prepare the company for change;
  • understand and deal with a problem;
  • involve people;
  • relaxed sharing space.


What are the elements of gamification?


Gamification can fall into the categories: mechanics, dynamics and components, which are also interrelated. Check below why using gamification in your application is not so simple, but it is quite effective.




Mechanical games are those that lead participants to progress according to the rules of the game.

Some of these mechanics are feedbacks and evaluations and chances, the latter of which help to create expectations and surprises.

In addition, there are the elements of competition and cooperation, to understand how you performed compared to other players. There are also challenges and rewards.



The elements of dynamics structure games according to emotions, narratives, progression in the game, interactions and also restrictions due to the rules of each game.




Components are elements inherent to games with specific and more tangible rules. They can be designed, for example, with the help of an application development company.

For example, the representation of the player through an avatar, or the virtual goods that exist in the structure of the game.

It also covers achievements, unlockables, graphics, medals, missions, levels to beat, points and teams.


So, did you like this content?

Now you know what gamification is in companies, why use gamification in your application and how it contributes to improving interactions and engagement.

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