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2022 trends for apps and the digital market

Understand how to position yourself in the market and reach new customers through this year's trends, stay on top of what the market expects from innovation and learn about the best ways to make the most of the opportunities of 2022.


More than in years before the pandemic, our current universe has undergone a transformation that has reached all areas of our lives, from education to the economy. These changes in the daily life of the population served to further boost the era of digital transformation and to help you enter this world of innovation, we at FWC Tecnologia will guide you to understand the new trends for this market, which encompasses diverse knowledge in Digital Marketing. , growth strategies and opportunities for you and your company to take advantage of.

In fact, with the pandemic established, many entrepreneurs and merchants who initially did not work in the online environment began to seek new ways to promote their products, thus entering this market that is constantly growing . This scenario can be proven even in 2020, where a survey guided by Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) showed that online sales grew 73% compared to the same period in 2019. And it was not only the number of orders that increased, according to Ebit /Nielsen, in one of his surveys, it was reported that the average purchase ticket grew 22% in 2021, compared to the previous year.

These data point to a growing demand from buyers for the consumption of online products, which reach all sectors of commerce, whether retail or wholesale, not forgetting the sale of services, which include the purchase of streams, classes, therapies and the most varied jobs.

Through the data collected by the E-Commerce Report, released in 2021 compared to 2020, there was no market segment that was left behind. Highlighting some to present the variety of market opportunities, follow the growth of expenses with Pets, with an increase of 88.04%, purchase/sale and rental of properties that accumulated about 86.62%, pharmacy and health with 65.22 % increase in sales and, last but not least, the fashion and accessories sector, which grew by around 63.02%.

And after proving the growth of brand insertion in the digital environment, let's talk about the dissemination and insertion tools in this environment, so that you can build the best strategies and enjoy the benefits presented by digital.

Thus, we bring here one of the strongest trends for this year:



Have your own app



Of the companies that grew the most in terms of sales, if we look at the Brazilian market, it is possible to see that all of them had their own application to sell their products or services. Citing the top 5, we have Shopee (+1852%), Casas Bahia (+116%), Extra (+84%), Samsung (+78%) and Amazon (+63%), data disclosed in the E-Commerce Report.

You may be wondering why you have an app, and I'll answer that now: an app, in addition to boosting your sales and expanding the promotion of your products , it also serves as a gateway for your customers to communicate directly with your brand. Imagine that you are in a very busy store that sells several products from the most varied brands, in this place of promotion the brands compete with each other, as consumers are presented with several purchase possibilities. In an application, it is possible to build an online storefront, which connects with your audience and presents your store exclusively.

In addition, the worldwide movement with the improvement of cell phones and technological evolution is to leave aside the traditional means of dissemination, entering Digital Marketing, which has gained space in recent years and continues as a trend for 2022. It is possible to explore your own app in different ways, as well as a source of publicity for your company and customer loyalty. Don't forget to read our other posts about Digital Marketing and app promotion.

And to further affirm the importance of investing in apps for your company, it is possible to observe in a survey carried out by App Annie in 2020, at the beginning of the pandemic, which revealed that there were 64 billion app downloads between the Play Store and Apple Store. This number linked to the consolidated culture of online shopping more than represents a good opportunity for you.


Virtual reality and augmented reality


Offer a unique experience for users within your platform. The search for more interactivity with computer systems and change in reality has been the focus of technology investors. We have an exclusive blog post that focuses entirely on this topic, but we'll summarize it here.

Just as apps have already proven to be a great option to invest in for the growth of your company, trends involving them are not left behind when it comes to financial return . Enhancing your app's tools increases audience engagement and makes your app more attractive and targeted. Not to mention that it provides almost infinite possibilities when it comes to generating new products.

If we consider virtual reality , we can mention several famous brands such as Gucci and Louis Vuitton that have already launched their products in these virtual environments that gain notoriety after Facebook itself changed its name to Meta in reference to the Metaverse, which is built on top of virtual reality. Food product stores are not left out, having Lacta as the Brazilian representative in this scenario, maintaining a fully online store with 3d resources to instigate the sensorial experience of consumers.

It is worth mentioning that the Bloomberg Intelligence company has come to estimate a market value of 800 billion in these new technologies in the next 2 years. So, will you stay out of this? Considering the appreciation of this consolidated technology, the sooner you improve in the segment, the better the results will be for your company.


Other trends that should also be explored:


  • SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimization, which translates to Search Engine Optimization. This feature refers to organic growth on the internet, using keywords and phrases easily located by browser searches, thus increasing the visualization of your platform.
  • Bots, or automation robots. From them, it is possible to automate frequently performed tasks and bring more agility to your system, in this way, in addition to facilitating processes that take time, it is possible to include extra features such as playing music and bringing suggestions to users, thus personalizing the experience during navigation. on your system.
  • Digital Marketing, this important tool on the internet could not be left out. Through it you can promote your company and reach new leads for your brand. In addition to expanding the view of your business, it serves as a facilitator in the communication between the interests of your customers and your products.



putting into practice


Did you like what you've seen so far? If you want to know how to enter the technological universe by improving the tools for your company or if you are curious about how to start a project that boosts your positioning in the market, contact us!

We at FWC Tecnologia are an application development company that aims to bring satisfaction and fulfillment to our customers. We are always on the lookout for market trends, bringing the latest trends for your business to thrive and grow in size and influence.

Don't miss the opportunities that 2022 brought you, seek to update yourself in the market today and invest in your company, count on us!


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