
The importance of marketing in the development of your business

Entrepreneurs find themselves facing an audience that interacts through new technologies and digital platforms. Therefore, in this article we are going to talk about the importance of marketing in business development.


Who is not seen is not remembered, do you know that expression? For businesses, having a web presence is essential. And the stronger this presence, the stronger the brand identity, with all the benefits that derive from it.


Therefore, entrepreneurs have paid much attention to investments in the marketing area, as they understand its relevance today.


What is Digital Marketing?


Digital marketing is the set of communication techniques that promote products and services on the web.


It includes all online advertising aimed at business growth. It consists, for example, in the creation of content for social networks, search engines, email marketing, application development or sponsored advertisements.


Building a digital strategy is an increasingly used task and requires specific knowledge, with metrics analysis to predict the habits, pains and desires of the target audience.


Among the goals of a company that invests in digital marketing are:


  • increase traffic in different media;
  • increase the number of conversions;
  • generate quality leads;
  • improve your online visibility.


Knowing the importance of marketing in business development, it is necessary then:


  • define a niche and an editorial line;
  • have a social media strategy;
  • analyze data;
  • analyze the competition;
  • seek a differential in the market;
  • improve the user experience;
  • have a good relationship with customers;
  • develop content marketing.

Why is digital marketing important?

Attract and retain customers


One of the most pursued goals in the business world is to win over potential customers and, perhaps even more importantly, retain existing ones.


This is possible by relating to the audience in different media and helping to solve problems.


In this way, the trigger of reciprocity is activated, something that has been studied for decades by Robert Cialdini, when he published the book As Armas da Persuasão in 1984.


There are several ways in digital marketing to capture leads, such as Facebook or Google ads, in addition to organic strategies.


However, getting paid traffic is getting more and more expensive. And, therefore, companies do not give up investing in organic traffic, since it requires smaller investments in the long term.


Improve market competitiveness


This topic is essential to understand the importance of marketing in business development.


If you analyze your main competitors, they are present in the online environment, right? So, nothing is more certain than growing your digital presence so you don't lose customers to other companies.


And even if there are bigger competitors, the internet has many untapped possibilities that reach a very wide audience. Therefore, there is always room for those who invest in digital marketing.


Innovative startups are revolutionizing the market every day in several segments, even when there are already consolidated digital businesses with years of tradition.


Therefore, being aware of new technologies is essential for entrepreneurs who want to stand out.


Be present where your customers are


Many people's experiences take place on digital. Customers comment and share their insights, and this also happens in their relationships with companies.


People are spending more and more time on the internet. Therefore, they research, gather information and ask questions online before purchasing a product or service.


Digital marketing, therefore, becomes a great opportunity for companies that want to share content and information related to the venture.


And this goes beyond simple descriptions of activities and services, but includes storytelling, testimonials, social proof and educating the public.


Relate with customers


This is another essential point if you want to understand the importance of marketing in business development.


Due to advances in technology, the focus in digital marketing has shifted in recent years to the relationships and connections between companies and their customers. In fact, it is exactly this topic that Philip Kotler addresses in the book Marketing 4.0.


The book is divided into three parts:


  • How the world has changed with the advent of recent technologies such as big data, internet of things and geolocation.
  • The new metrics to identify customers and their engagement.
  • The new humanistic marketing, in which the company becomes a vector of values and involvement.


Let's contextualize. If Marketing 1.0 was product focused, Marketing 2.0 was customer focused.


Then came Marketing 3.0, in which emotions became part of this whole process.


And now we have Marketing 4.0 based on the digital world of connections, with a deepening of humanistic marketing.


Therefore, the product-centric idea has lost ground and the power, which was already in the hands of customers, is in the presence of connected customers.


In addition, they are connected in various online media. “This is how omnichannel marketing was born: the practice of integrating a multitude of channels to create a fluid and coherent experience,” says Kotler.


Lower costs than traditional marketing


With the importance of marketing in business development, comes the concern with costs.


Digital is an opportunity that offers the best conversion rates at a much lower cost than traditional marketing.


Another big advantage is tracking the customer journey from the beginning and collecting data to improve the experience.


For example, if your company has a website or an application, you can analyze various metrics regarding user behavior that will serve as a parameter to change what is not working and improve what is working.


In the case of outdoor advertising, there is no way to know how all consumers were impacted by receiving that message. And besides, there is no way to segment the audience.


Increase the sales


Consumers are the ones who will define the success of your business. After all, they are the ones who will buy your products and services, right?


In digital, there is a growing number of people who are influenced in their purchasing decisions, as they increasingly make purchases online.


To give you an idea, in January 2022 there was a 20.56% increase in e-commerce sales , according to CNN.


Companies that are not yet online can choose to address this new phenomenon of recent years. That is, study it, understand it, interpret it and identify new competitive advantages with digital marketing.


And, therefore, start a process of change aimed at adapting the organization to current trends.


But regardless of the companies' choices, the importance of marketing in business development is centered on users and consumers.


How to take advantage of digital marketing opportunities


Without good online communication, any business will miss opportunities to acquire new customers and maintain a steady flow of product or service sales.


Thus, it is necessary to implement a digital marketing strategy that aims to:


  • quality content;
  • respond to the public's doubts and needs;
  • niche differentiation;
  • data analysis;
  • disseminate images, videos, illustrations;
  • have clear language;
  • care about customer satisfaction.


What sets one brand apart from another is its unique voice. This is related to how a company communicates. For this, it is necessary to analyze and understand the target audience, in addition to

define a strategy that includes clear vision and objectives.


Therefore, you need to know how to promote the brand to your target audience. This can happen in a variety of ways in digital marketing, such as websites, blogs, email, ads, and business strategy on social media .


I hope this article helped you to better understand the context of marketing for companies in the online universe.


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